From The Bloch Files. . .
Get Help. Don't Guess.
By Heinz Bloch, P.E., Editor
This opinion piece just happens to focus on one of my favorite topics: lubrication issues. The points I bring up emphasize the importance of learning through disciplined reading and researching, not simply guessing. That type of disciplined approach certainly applies to other issues in a plant.
A reliability professional in the United States expressed annoyance that the $4,000,000 cost proposal he had just received for a plant-wide oil-mist system was widely off the numbers I had published in my Oil Mist Lubrication Handbook, in 1987. Why was the man surprised, and why did he appear even more baffled when I reminded him of another of my citations on oil mist about 21 years ago. There, I had noted, “Together with an appropriate amount of a suitable state-of-the-art
synthetic lubricant, this low-cost retrofit [referring to a modern magnetic seal and a plugged vent instead of the customarily open-to-atmosphere bearing housing vent port] may extend bearing life to the point where oil-mist lubrication is no longer economically attractive.”
Regrettably, many people who so often proclaim expertise in modern technologies (such as oil mist) have opinions, but have not read very much. They tend to take statements out of context or focus on very old and often highly biased data. Some have no idea of the statistics of oil mist preservation and its highly beneficial effect on the non-running standby pump in areas with high humidity or blowing sand. They seem to be unaware that electric motors at best-of-class plants are
included in the equipment served by modern oil-mist systems. There is, thus, great value in the concurrent life extension and maintenance cost savings of electric motor bearings. Of course, one cannot overlook the fact that Best-of-Class plants and facilities began using flow-through (“directed”) mist exclusively in certain bearings as early as 1969, and began applying the mist through-flow method, per API-610 8th and later Editions, a full 23 years before the American Petroleum
Institute (API) finally adopted it.
To really absorb the full story on lubrication, sealing, coupling selection, and, literally, hundreds of other issues at a site, disciplined reading and research are mandatory. Sadly, plants that arrive at decisions by basically "guessing" their way through issues will never reach Best-of-Class status.
(Click Here for A List of Heinz Bloch's Books)
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