* Availability: The time when equipment can run or not (24 hrs, 7 days, 365 days)
* Efficiency Rate: The equipment production rate or speed (units/hr., CFM, FPM)
* Quality/Yield: The equipment output defect rate and raw-material waste.
Now, let’s look at the finer granularity of those overarching
The Availability metric can be subdivided into:
* Availability: Capable of operating…
* Utilization: Actually operating…
* Planned shutdown: PM, shift change, weekends…
* Downtime (planned and unplanned): Changeover, breakdowns, no operator…
The Efficiency Rate metric can be subdivided
* Reduced speed, cycle time, or output rate
* Minor stops, jams, interruptions.
The Quality/Yield metric can be subdivided
* Scrap output: Reprocessed output, recycle, trash…
* Defects: Product rework, lesser quality seconds…
* Yield: Conversion waste, edge trim, process loss…
When we track our critical equipment's performance with the granular Equipment-Effectiveness metrics outlined here, it makes for a short and fast journey to equipment and reliability improvement.
In other words, we're measuring Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). This equipment-performance-improvement metric was NEVER intended to be calculated as anything other than a high-level comparison of equipment performance to itself over a period of time.
Moreover, OEE was not intended as a performance goal for “world-class”